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26/3/2015 - Italy - A Salesian weekend in the places associated with Don Bosco

(ANS - Turin) - It looks as if this will be a weekend full of Salesian activities in the places associated with Don Bosco, starting tomorrow 27 March. There will be a conference on youth and the world of work, readings on Don Bosco and finally a grand youth festival.

Tomorrow morning at Valdocco in Turin, there will be a conference entitled "Space and Time - The speed of change: emerging needs and possible responses". It is being organized by the Salesian Youth Ministry team of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta together with other youth associations.

The ‘space’ referred to is the Piedmont region where the Salesians have been working for more than 150 years. ‘Time’ refers to the years of Salesian history which have been a time of constant adaptation to meet the needs of young people and their families. The first part will tell the story of what has been done in the past ten years, with the help of many public and private agencies. Then there will a reflection guided by Sister Alessandra Smerilli, FMA, and two entrepreneurs, on future challenges that the Salesian Family is called to meet in  accompanying young adults.

On the Saturday afternoon, in Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Fr Francesco Motto, a member of the Salesian Historical Institute, will speak about "Don Bosco the man, the Saint and the Founder as seen in his correspondence." In the meeting at Castelnuovo Fr Motto will describe the Piedmontese saint as a practical man of action, always ready for action because driven by faith.

Also on Saturday, in Chieri, as in many other parts of the world, Diocesan Youth Day will be celebrated. Organized by the Youth Ministry Team of the Diocese of Turin, this year’s celebration has a particular significance as it will be a preparation for the meeting with Pope Francis on 21-22 June. It will concentrate on a path of rediscovery of the early years of the life of John Bosco.

Published 26/03/2015

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