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16/3/2015 - Pakistan - Salesian students injured in attacks in Lahore

(ANS - Lahore) - The most recent of many attacks against the Christian community in Pakistan, took place yesterday 15 March, in Lahore. So far the toll is 16 dead and 78 wounded. Among the wounded are some students of the Salesian School. Fortunately their injuries are not serious.

The attacks, claimed by the group "Jamaat ul Ahrar" (JuA), hit two Christian Churches, one Protestant and one Catholic, during the celebration of the Sunday services. The blasts occurred in a neighbourhood called Yuhannabad (City of John) where there is a Christian majority. They took place within a few minutes of each other.

In the district there is a technical school run by the Salesians. Two of the students were injured as they passed in front of the Catholic Church.

An eyewitness said: "I was sitting in a shop near the church, when an explosion rocked the area. I rushed to the place and saw a security guard struggling with a man who was trying to enter the church.  When the man failed in his attempt to enter the Church, he blew himself up (...) I saw body parts flying in the air."

Upon hearing this news, some teachers of the Salesian school went to the site. When they heard there were students injured they accompanied them to the hospital.

"From the television pictures we recognized some parents of our students embracing each other and weeping. Some were accompanying family members being carried on stretchers to the many ambulances that arrived one after the other in the church square. The attack took place during the offertory. Fortunately the two guards at the gate were able to stop the suicide bomber so that the explosion occurred just at the entrance of the church which was packed. Think of the carnage if he had blown himself up in the middle of the congregation! We regard these two guards as heroes who gave their lives to prevent a worse massacre," say the local Salesians.

"What happened remains for all of us involved in education in our Christian schools in Pakistan a warning that sooner or later we could easily be the new victims of such barbarity ... from Peshawar to Youhannabad. Today, 16 March, is for us Christians a day of mourning, prayer and peaceful demonstrations. More and more, in this Islamic republic, our security remains in the hands of God who sees all and who oversees everything."

Published 16/03/2015

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