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13/3/2015 - RMG - Two years with Pope Francis, the "Pope of Mercy"
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(ANS – Rome) – Among the most distinctive features of Pope Francis is certainly his continuous reference to the mercy of God. Not a few observers, inside and outside the ecclesial world, believe that this is precisely his distinguishing characteristic. Two years after his election as Bishop of Rome we will try to look back at his pontificate through this lens.

By Gian Francesco Romano

Journalists and ordinary people have often tended to identify the Popes with affectionate names: John XXIII was called the "Good Pope" on account of his gentleness. John Paul I is remembered as the "Smiling Pope” even though his pontificate was short. Pope Francis is now often called the "Pope of Mercy".

It is not only the media that recognise this trait. Yesterday 12 March, as he welcomed Pope Francis to the audience granted to participants in the 26th Course on the Internal Forum, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, Major Penitentiary, had this to say: “As Apostolic Penitentiary, guardian of the greatest mercy and treasure of mercy, I feel that you are particularly close since, in the hearts of all, you are the 'Pope of mercy'."

And staying with the most recent news, we report the comments today of Bishop Marcello Semeraro of Albano, secretary of the Council of Cardinals instituted by the Pope to help him in the reform of the Curia. He highlights mercy as "the central element of the human and spiritual life of Pope Francis, and the core of his message of hope for the people of today”.

This is the impression we get from the reflections of Pope Francis himself. He constantly emphasizes that "God never gets tired of forgiving"; and that "God makes the first move in going to meet mankind”. He points out that the Latin misericordia comes etymologically from "miseris cor dare" which means “giving one’s heart to the poor."  And finally, he invites us to be "witnesses of the mercy and tenderness of the Lord, which disturbs the complacent, encourages the disheartened, and lights the fire of hope".

The best gift that all Christians can give him today, and probably the one most pleasing to him, is the one he asks for at the end of every meeting or conversation - a prayer! Maybe we can join in the initiative which appropriately is taking place today, namely the twenty-four hours of prayer to the Lord, on the theme "God is rich in mercy," that the Pope himself has asked for in every diocese in the world.

Among the many initiatives carried out today to honour the two years of his pontificate, we draw attention to the "digital booklet" available on the Vatican website, which contains a collection of some of the most beautiful images and quotations of these two years of his pontificate.

Published 13/03/2015

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