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12/3/2015 - Italy - Civil Celebration in Florence for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco

(ANS - Florence) - Among the celebrations for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco, the civil celebration in the city of Florence is deserving of special mention. Next Sunday, 15 March, in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, the city will honour Don Bosco, with songs, video projections and speeches.

by Fabio Zenadocchio

The day will begin with Mass for the Salesian Family in the church of San Firenze. The civil commemoration will then take place in the Salone dei Cinquecento, the living heart of the Tuscan capital.

The reception will be accompanied by the Music Group of Teachers of the Pentaphon Orchestra and the choir of the students of the Salesian Institute. They will entertain the audience throughout the day. After the screening of the official film of the Bicentenary, Fr Adriano Bregolin, Rector of the Salesian House in Florence, and Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence, will welcome the guests and start the day’s proceedings.

It will then be the turn of Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva, Rector Major Emeritus, who will deliver a talk entitled "Don Bosco: the man and his historical and social significance." This will be followed by an address by Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli, Archbishop Emeritus of Florence. In between the two talks there will be a showing of the video "The Salesian Family in Florence and Tuscany."

Before the conclusion and final words of thanks by Fr Leonardo Mancini, Provincial of Central Italy, Mr. Giancarlo Colombo, National President of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, will present a Gold Medal to the Cantelli-Parigi family.

Fr Bregolin comments: "Don Bosco, I believe, always considered himself a builder of society. Remembering him in a civic structure like the City of Florence is a way of recognizing his commitment and that of the Salesian Family to citizenship as expressed in an effective and fruitful way in the motto ‘good Christians and honest citizens’. It is because we have been faithful to this commitment that we are permitted to hold this celebration in the offices of the Municipality of the City."

Published 12/03/2015

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