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11/3/2015 - Cuba - "20th Century, two peoples, the same concern: the youth"

(ANS - Havana) - A symposium entitled "20th Century, two peoples, the same concern: Youth," was held at the Felix Varela Cultural Centre in Havana from 27 February to 1 March, sponsored by the Delegation of the Salesians in Cuba. There were testimonials, cultural moments and moments of study and reflection on the charism and the Salesian contribution in Italy and Cuba. The symposium was held to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco.

by Alejandro Satorre

The opening day saw the participation of Fr Francisco Batista, Salesian Provincial of the Antilles, and Fr Miguel Ángel Fernández Sáenz, Delegate for Cuba. With them were Mr. Tancredi Francese, Councillor of the Italian Embassy and the Hon. András Drexler, Ambassador of Hungary. The Rector Major expressed his closeness and fraternity in a video sent from Rome to the participants in the event.

On Saturday 28 February, Mr. Francese recalled his experiences in a Salesian house during his university studies and said that the Salesians themselves were the greatest gift of Don Bosco. There were lectures then by Fr Mario Peresson Tonelli, SDB, and Brother Jesús Bayo Mayor, FMS, on the social, economic, political and cultural situation in Italy and Cuba in the nineteenth century.

In the afternoon, Sr. Ana Julia Suriel of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians spoke on "The relevance of the Preventive System of Don Bosco for the education of young people." Her talk was followed by contributions from Fr Wilgen Cancio and Leyanis de las Mercedes, on "Games, culture and celebration in the educational practice of Don Bosco" in which they summed up the work of the Salesians in Cuba.

The presentations ended with the premiere of the documentary "On the good earth" by the Father Vandor Centre for Creative Communication in Santa Clara.  In a mere twenty minutes it portrayed the impact left by Don Bosco and the Salesian Family on Cuba.

The day's activities concluded with an artistic and cultural gala in memory of Dolores Betancourt Agramonte who requested the presence of the Salesians in Cuba even before the time of Fr Paul Albera, second Successor of Don Bosco.  Finally a video was shown of a song composed specially for the Bicentenary Year and performed by Maykel Gómez, a Salesian in practical training.

The last day, Sunday 1 March, began with Mass in the Cathedral of Havana, at which the Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature in Cuba presided.  Then Fr Bruno Roccaro, SDB, gave a brief summary of the contribution of the Salesians to the Church and society in Cuba. This was followed by a round table conference in which some past pupils of the Salesians shared their experiences.

The symposium achieved its goal of spreading knowledge of the pastoral and educative work of the Salesians and showing the relevance of Don Bosco at the present time.

Published 11/02/2015

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