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2/3/2015 - Vatican - Pope Francis appeals for an end to the suffering in the world

(ANS - Vatican City) - After yesterday’s Angelus, Pope Francis invited everyone, each according to their ability, to work to alleviate the suffering of the people who are going through difficult times because of the violence in Syria and Iraq. He also mentioned the new tensions in Venezuela. Meanwhile, last week a priest was killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Unfortunately, there is no cessation in the dramatic news about violence, kidnapping and harassment against Christians and other groups reaching us from Syria and Iraq. We want to assure those involved in these situations that they are not forgotten but we are close to them and pray insistentlythat the intolerable brutality of which they are victims will soon be at an end.Along with members of the Roman Curia, I offered the last Mass of the Spiritual Exercises, last Friday, for this intention. At the same time I ask everyone, according to their ability, to work to alleviate the suffering of those who are afflicted, often only because of the faith they profess.We pray for these brothers and sisters who suffer for their faith in Syria and Iraq ... Let us pray in silence ...

I also want to remember the people of Venezuela who are again living moments of acute tension. I pray for the victims and, in particular, for the boy killed a few days ago in San Cristobal. I urge everyone to reject violence and respect the dignity of every person and the sanctity of human life, and I encouraging them to restart a journey together for the good of the country, creating opportunities for meeting and sincere and constructive dialogue. I entrust that dear country to the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Coromoto.”

Among the reasons for sorrow and grief was the news in recent days of the killing of a diocesan priest in Mweso, in the North Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Fr Jean-Paul Kakule Kyalembera was killed on 25 February in what looks like a robbery attempt. According to a report from the agency Fides, the parish priest of the church where Fr Kakule Kyalembera was working had escaped an assassination attempt last November.

Published 02/03/2015

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