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20/2/2015 - Italy - United in celebrating Don Bosco

(ANS - Rome) - In recent weeks Salesian Italy has been mobilizing to pay homage to Don Bosco and his legacy. Among the events coming soon there is a conference dedicated to the latest innovations in terms of young people and work, in Bologna; and a Salesian Choir Festival in Naples.

Following the launch of the initiative "GioB200" (Giovanni Bosco /Job200), to find 200 jobs for young people by the date of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, August 16th, 2015, the Salesians of Lombardy and Emilia, through the agencies of the National Centre for Salesian Works for Vocational Training and the School, organized a conference in Bologna called Jobs Act - Young people and work, new opportunities. It will examine the changes introduced by the recent reform plan, in particular from the point of view of young people and those engaged in Professional Education.

The conference will take place at the Salesian Institute of the Beata Vergine di San Luca on the morning of Monday 23 February. It is entitled Jobs Act - Young people and work, new opportunities,  and will involve a morning of study, discussion and debate starting from the interests of the first recipients of the Salesian commitment to young people. They will consider changes in the working world in the current economic situation and the regulations that apply.

There will be a speech from Honourable Carlo Dell'Aringa, Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Milan. He was one of the main drafters of the new reform. The Hon. Marco Di Maio, member of the First Constitutional Affairs Committee and of the Sixth Finance Committee will also speak. Profesor Armando Nanni from the Corriere della Sera newspaper will chair the session.

All who for various reasons are interested in the world of work and especially with respect to the Salesian works are invited to attend.

The Music Festival will take place on Sunday 22 February at the Basilica of San Giovanni Maggiore in Naples as part of the International Choral Festival in Naples, sponsored by the Provincial Tourism Authority. The DB Choir, composed of about 160 young people of Campania, Basilicata, Puglia and Calabria will perform. It was formed last year as a result of an idea of Fr Fabio Bellino, Director of Salesian Youth Ministry for Southern Italy, and is under the guidance of Alfredo Franciosa, Ivan Improta and Antonella Caputo. It will take part in all the solemn events of the bicentenary year.

It had its "baptism" last October, on the prestigious stage of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, another important location for the Salesian choir.

Published 20/02/2015

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