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18/2/2015 - Italy - Casa Don Bosco is under construction at Expo Milano 2015

(ANS - Milan) - It was in the air. In recent months the rumour circulated and it was talked about in several national and global gatherings. But seeing the work begin is something else: it is now a certainty. There is no turning back.  At last, after so many expectations and delays, Rigamonti, the main building company, has arrived and started work on Casa Don Bosco at Expo Milano 2015.

It sounds easy, a few simple steps: make up your mind, get the workers together, set the operation in motion and off you go! But the reality is we started many months ago, and step by step we got to where the work began. On 4 February the builders came on site, checked the final preparations and started work. You can follow the progress on Facebook.

Right now there is still little to see, but as we know from experience, the final product is seen only at the end. At the beginning we have to rely on imagination, commitment and perseverance. That’s how it was for Don Bosco. He was able to “see” the Oratory long before it existed and to gather the young people and engage in activities with the certainty that the Lord and Our Lady would find a home for his beloved children.

Casa Don Bosco represents many things: the saintly educator of the young who was born two hundred years ago; his love for the young and the dedication he showed in his work for their education; the Salesian Family that he started and the many houses throughout the world that continue his valuable mission of forming good Christians and honest citizens here on earth, so that one day they may be blessed inhabitants of heaven.

Casa Don Bosco will display to the world his educational system and the people today who are witnesses to its efficacy.

Casa Don Bosco will be a vibrant and dynamic space, a small house capable of great warmth and familiarity.

Casa Don Bosco is not only there in Milan: it is everywhere where there are members of the Salesian Family and educators who are dedicated to the young. Expo 2015 brings together the world, the same world where the work of the Salesian Family is carried out. It pays tribute to the Salesian mission among the young, but above all it hopes to give it added momentum and continuity.

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Twitter: @expodonbosco


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Published 18/02/2015

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