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17/2/2015 - Spain - The Salesians of La Cuesta give an award to "la Caixa"

(ANS - La Cuesta)- On 10 February, the Salesian community of the Institute of La Cuesta, Spain, gave an award to La Caixa for their collaboration in the programme of education for children from families with limited economic resources. La Caixa has been supporting this project for more than ten years. Their contribution has benefited fifty students in the past year, mainly by supplying them with books and uniforms.

The award consisting of a bust of Don Bosco was accepted by the Director of business of the CaixaBank Tenerife Center-El Hierro, Doctor Óscar Fernández; and the Director of the Office de la Caixa at La Cuesta, Doctor Lucia Medina. During the ceremony, the Rector of the Salesian Institute, Fr Pedro Ivy, thanked the organization for its continued support and emphasized the importance of helping disadvantaged families to ensure that their children can continue to study, especially in a time of crisis like the current one. In this regard, he recalled that one of the objectives of the Salesians of La Cuesta is precisely the fight against early school leaving.

In the course of the ceremony tribute was paid also to other collaborators of the project such as the Serunion company and several other benefactors.

The educational programme of the Salesians of La Cuesta is supported by contributions from the school itself and from benefactors. It covers all the necessities (tuition, materials, transportation, meals, uniform, etc.) of needy students. The assessment to determine who should benefit is done by Caritas.

Published 17/02/2015

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