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11/2/2015 - Spain - Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

(ANS - Valencia) - "The Educational System of Don Bosco was born in the encounter with the young people in need. As long as the Salesians are with them, whatever the educational setting, we will be faithful to the Salesian charism," says Segundo García, SDB, coordinator of the Social Works of the Province of Spain-Mary Help of Christians, and currently director of Magone Apartments for Emancipation run by the Salesians in Valencia for needy young adults.  One of these is Joseph Anwar, a 27 year-old Catholic from Pakistan.

By Marta Peirat

Joseph had to flee his country secretly for religious reasons. His sister has been unjustly accused of blasphemy and is secluded in a prison in Pakistan, like another 5000 and more Christians who are being held in prisons in the country. Joseph had to escape for fear of Islamic radicalism and persecution against Christians. He has obtained refugee status and currently lives in one of the "apartments for emancipation" run by the Salesians of Valencia.

Joseph lives with four other young men, all Muslims. At first, this came as a great shock to him, but then he realized that here, in this house, belonging to different religions is not an obstacle to coexistence. Since the house was opened there has never been a problem for religious reasons. Indeed, they celebrate together the most important festivals, both Christian and Muslim.

Joseph is trying to gather support for his sister, who has been sentenced to death, for his brother in law who is disabled, and for his nephews and nieces.  He is convinced that he has been given a new life in order to free the others, and although he admits to feeling discouraged, he somehow finds the strength to keep searching for solutions to the situation of his family and many others who have been falsely accused of blasphemy. "I want to be a voice for the persecuted Christians in Pakistan," he says. Currently being that voice means asking some international organizations, such as Amnesty International to repeat the demand that the Pakistani government free all unjustly condemned Christians.

"With these apartments the Salesians can help young people like Joseph, who from one day to the next go from having everything to having nothing. Many pass from being children to become adults, from being accompanied to suddenly finding themselves alone. They need housing, jobs and so on. There is the aggravating circumstance that, if they do not find accommodation, they lose their permit to stay, with all that that entails," adds Fr García.

"Don Bosco said that familiarity breeds affection and affection trust, and trust is needed in education. This project is a way to meet young people in need in a much less formal, more familiar structure, which allows for greater confidence, knowing that  trust is the basis of every educational process," he concludes.

The story of the escape of Joseph from Pakistan and more information about the project is available, in Spanish, on the site:

Published 11/02/2015

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