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24/1/2015 - Italy - The Musical which opened the festivities in Turin for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco

(ANS - Turin) - "There are many of us here and we all want to thank you for the art, the beauty and all the time you put into preparing this show." With these words the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, closed the premiere of Giovan(n)i d'oggi at the Teatro Grande, Valdocco, Turin when he thanked the company "New Directions" during the traditional Good Night.

The enormous effort put into this musical, which opened the festivities in Italy for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco, is palpable in all respects. The number of young actors, dancers, musicians and technicians involved is impressive, as well as the great effort to combine all these components in a harmonious performance. It is the realization of a dream conceived by Fr Maurizio Palazzo, catechist in the Agnelli school in Turin.

Recent Provincials Fr Stefano Martoglio and Fr Enrico Stasi had faith in him and his dream. The music was excellent, and the plot portrayed Don Bosco from a novel perspective, looking back at his life from the future. The direct involvement of so many young people and children as actors was a good example of the Salesian spirit.

The theatre was full. The audience included the Mother General of the FMA, Yvonne Reungoat, and her General Council as well as that of the Salesians, and SDB and FMA Provincials from Italy and many of their council members. Seeing how much they enjoyed the show, it is very likely that Giovan(n)i d'oggi will visit the entire country and the songs in it will become recognized as the soundtrack of this Bicentenary.

Published 24/01/15

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