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18/1/2015 - RMG - A day filled with enrichment, reflection and proposals
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(ANS - Rome) - Typically marked by personal testimonies and the sharing of varied experiences, the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family have finished their third day - Saturday, 17th January 2015 - with an evening marked by joyful singing and dancing. Apart from that, the programme of the Salesian Family and the objectives of the VIIth International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, to be held in Turin, from 6th to the 9th of August 2015, has also been shared with all .

By Andrés Felipe Loaiza

The programme in the morning was typified by the presentation of experiences by 3 persons. It began with the presentation of Fr. Pablo Bustos, from Argentina, on the theme: "Don Bosco calls the Salesian family to 'think together, to plan together, to work together and to pray together for the Young". On his part, Fr. Vicente Serrano, from Spain, had presented the "Group Martes: Evangelize in Prisons". Keeping up a similar theme the report of Mr. Achim Jägers titled:"Like Don Bosco for the migrants in Germany" highlighted the work for migrants.

In the afternoon, two experiences were presented: that of Fr. José González Rodríguez, "How to speak of God in areas of 'conflcit' (in real life situations) and with the Youth without ideals and goals (involved in drug trafficking, gangs, violence, etc.,)". Fr. Donizete Ferreira, of Canção Nova, had presented a report on "How to speak to the Youth of today with the Mass Media".

You may follow up various interventions and contributions made by various participants through the website

To conclude, in the evening there were various sharing of objectives and programmes of the the VIIth International Congress of  Mary Help of Christians, on the theme "Hic domus mea, gloria mea inde (This is my House, from here my Glory shall go forth) - From the House of Mary to Our Houses", which will be held at Turin from 6th to 9th August 2015, and of which you can track more information on the website ADMA.

The day was concluded with an evening of sharing of typical salesian happiness with singing, dancing and various programmes staged by the participants.

Published on 18/01/2015

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