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17/1/2015 - RMG - “At the time of Youth”, A musical by the Post Novices of Nave
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(ANS - Rome) -The afternoon and the evening of Friday, 16th January, the spirituality days of the Salesian Family 2015 were characterized by prayer moments and creativity: the prayers raised to Mother Mary were typified by a rosary procession, and the creative element was put forth through a musical “At the time of Youth'”, portrayed vividly by the Post Novices of Nave (Brescia), inspired by the famous book of St.John Bosco, "The gifted Youth".

by Andrés Felipe Loaiza, SDB

The Spirituality days of the Salesian Family consist in sharing of experience in various levels such as: reflection, of life experiences, of the mission and  of prayer moments. United in prayer, the participants, entrusted the Salesian Family into the maternal arms of Mary Help of Christians, through a Marian Procession held around the ring-road of the House of the Salesian Generalate and of Salesianum, with the recitation of the Rosary in various languages.

A little later, after supper, the participants proceeded to the Salesian House at Cinecittà, (Rome) where, the post novices of Nave had presented a musical tittled "At the time of Youth“, which was beautifully presented with dialogues that were full of deep reflections on the time and on its good use, focussing on a reflective research into the personages presented in the famous book "The Gifted Youth", a book of hymns and prayers authoured by Don Bosco. This book according to Fr. Francesco Motto (of the Salesian Historical Institute), has been printed and published with over 100 editions until the year 1964 in various languages. “...even I too had used it during my formation!", concluded Fr. Motto.

At the end of the great show, Fr.  Ángel Fernández Artime, the Rector Major, gave the “Good Night”, during which in the first place, he thanked and praised the post novices for the great show and the originality, and commented on the applause accorded for the show and of his comment to the Vicar General Fr. Francesco Cereda "Francesco, see their agility and swiftness! -its just like you and me!" for which the Vicar General had replied: “Yes! just as we were! -many years ago -surely!". The audience reacted with a great laughter and applause at such a comment.

The Rector Marjor had continued, stressing that one can not forget the importance that the Salesian Family has engaged as it is with education, the theatre, the music, the dance and the games.... and told the post novices: "Thank you for your capacity to transmit this message of Don Bosco in action -not only with words, but with dance, the songs, and truly in keeping with our charism!".

Published on 17/01/2015

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