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10/12/2014 - Argentina - "The hummingbird has to flap its wings much more than other birds, but it always gets there"

(ANS - Tucumán) - On 3 December  we celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, established by the United Nations (UN) in 1992 to raise awareness on the importance of integrating and accepting people living with disabilities. The Argentine newspaper "La Gaceta de Tucumán" recently told three stories of young people with different skills that are a great example of commitment, love and struggle for social integration.

Santi, Romi and Conti are three graduates of the province of Salta. They have just finished high school. When they receive  their certificates in the next few days they will be a great example of inclusion, teamwork, willpower, optimism and joy. These are the thoughts of Irma Arganaraz, Director of the Fundación Colibri (Hummingbird Foundation), an NGO which,  for fourteen years, has insisted on a concept of integration that should be adopted by the whole of society. 

"The goal is that everyone be able to live their lives with full rights like any other citizen," says the director about the work done by the Foundation with people with Down syndrome, their families, and "as many people as we can possibly get. "

The three young people have graduated in special schools. Santi has finished his studies at the Juan Calchaqui Institute,  Romi at the Dominic Savio School and Conti at  San Rafael School.  It cost them a lot. They had to face many difficulties. Getting promoted each year required a great effort as it does for any teenager. But they managed it. They say they will miss school and their classmates, but they do not hide their satisfaction at having completed high school.

Santi dreams of becoming a musician, like his idol Pablo Lescano. Romi wants to get married, raise a family and return to work in the Civil Service. Conti wants to be a kindergarten teacher and work with children.

Irma has known them for a long time, but still she is moved by what they have achieved.  She encourages them to follow their dreams and insists on  three words: "yes, you can."  She says, "They can study, they can go out alone, they can work, they can raise a family ... like the rest of us."

For the director of the NGO, the most important thing is that society understands that it is not a question of  treating people with disabilities like normal people, but "realizing that they are normal people."

She concludes: "The hummingbird has to flap its wings much more than other birds, but it always gets there."

Published 10/12/2014

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