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4/12/2014 - RMG - Salesian Saints in December: Blessed Philip Rinaldi

(ANS - Rome)- Tomorrow, 5 December, we commemorate Blessed Philip Rinaldi (1856-1931), third successor of Don Bosco as leader of the Congregation and the Salesian Family.

Don Rinaldi worked for the consolidation and expansion of the Salesian charism with the exercise of wise and fatherly authority. He is considered the founder of the Salesian work in Spain and Portugal, as well as the initiator of the Secular Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bosco.

His vocation was born from a meeting with Don Bosco, as a result of which he started on the road of religious and priestly formation. He emulated the virtues and spiritual characteristics of the apostle of youth and was often described as his "living image". He had a fervent love for the Church and with a genuine missionary spirit he  promoted the Church as a force for renewal  among peoples, especially the young.

Among the Salesian saints, what characterizes Don Rinaldi is his fatherliness. As Rector, at thrity-three years of age, he resolved: "Charity and gentleness with the confreres, enduring whatever may happen." As Provincial he said: "I will be a father. I will avoid any harshness of manner. When people come to talk to me I will never let them see that I am tired or in a hurry." Fr Francesia, one of the first generation of Salesians, said of Don Rinaldi: "The only thing of Don Bosco he doesn’t have is his voice. He has everything else."

Published 04/12/2014

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