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1/12/2014 - India - Facebook Group Page launched to share the joy of consecrated life

(ANS – Bangalore) – “I want to say one word to you and this word is joy. Wherever consecrated people are, there is always joy!” Said Pope Francis in his message to the Church for the inauguration of the Year of Consecrated life. Taking a cue from the words of the Holy Father and to celebrate the year of Consecrated life, Fr. TC George from Renewal Centre, Bangalore has thought up a way to share this joy among religious men and women: JOYFULLY IN JESUS is the Facebook group page he has launched for this cause.

Launching the Facebook page Fr. TC George, a professor at Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore and Visvadeep Institute of Catechetics and Youth Ministry, declares, “If you are a religious, here is an opportunity  for you  to share your joy in being a consecrated person. Speak out!  What gives you joy as a consecrated  religious? Share your joy in  religious life and become an inspiration for others.”

He fully endorses the teaching of Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium wherein it is stated that “Consecrated life is a life lived  joyfully in Jesus. The consecrated persons become the joy of the gospel and attract people to a joyful encounter with Jesus.”

The group will receive the sharings from consecrated persons sent also by emails to, or by normal post to.

Fr. TC George claims that the aim of this campaign is to share the joy of religious  life, to show the true face of religious life, to inspire, to strengthen and to promote joyful discipleship in Jesus.

The Facebook Group is a closed group for the religious only. The sharings posted on the Facebook Page will be of maximum 200 words in length. It will  be posted in the Facebook only with the name of the sharer, while address, contact details and other such personal information will be with held.

Published 01/12/2014

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