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19/11/2014 - RMG - Salesian Historical Research, No. 63
Photo for the article -RMG – SALESIAN HISTORICAL RESEARCH, NO. 63

(ANS - Rome)- Issue No. 63 (July-December 2014) of the bimonthly magazine of religious and civil history "Salesian Historical Research" was published on 7 November by the Salesian Historical Institute.

                                                                  Fr Bruno Bordignon, SDB

In the studies section there is an essay by Fr Joseph Boenzi entitled "Reconstructing Don Albera's Reading List."  With careful research, he has drawn up a list of the vast panorama of authors and titles read and annotated by Don Albera. The author groups them into eight categories: 1) Doctrinal and catechetical studies and conferences; 2) Practical and applied Theology; 3) Devotional literature; 4) Retreat literature; 5) Treatises and meditations on consecrated life; 6) Treatises and conferences on priesthood; 7) Bible studies and commentaries; 8) Salesian literature. The research highlights the positive influence of this vast literature on the thought of Don Albera, second Successor of Don Bosco.

In the section devoted to sources we find:"Michael Rua: Book of Experience (1861-1866)." Introduction, critical text and notes by Fr José Manuel Prellezo.  This manuscript is the result of an "important piece of advice" given by Don Bosco to Don Rua when he appointed him Rector of Mirabello Monferrato, the first Salesian House outside Turin.  Don Bosco urged him to keep a "Book of Experience," in which he should "record all incidents, disorders and mistakes as they occurred” in order to avoid their recurrence in similar situations later. Among the pages of interest are certainly those concerning the Oratory of the Guardian Angel. They provide unpublished data, relevant to an understanding of life in the work at Vanchiglia.

This number has also a short profile by Fr Morand Wirth of Fr Francis Desramaut, who died on 1 September; an article by Fr Alejandro Ángel León on Carlos Conci SDB; the "Historical Notes on the Salesian Historical Association and its achievements," by Fr Stanislaw Zimniak, and information by Fr  Francesco Casella on the Dizionario Biografico dell’Educazione 1800-2000(produced by G. Chiosso and A. Sani) that gives a profile of several Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The issue concludes with reviews of two studies by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians: "Da mihi animas. The life of Don Bosco: choices, challenges and passion" by Colette Schaumont, and" 50 años de Amor y Servicio. Inspectoría Salesian San Jose, Valencia 1958-2008"; and an essay by Fr Zimniak on "The Primate of Poland August Hlond."

Published 19/11/2014

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