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13/11/2014 - Palestine - Salesian Artistic Centre in support of young people and traditions

(ANS - Bethlehem) - The Salesian Artistic Centre located at the Infant Jesus community in Bethlehem is an important Salesian activity combining the conservation of local craftsmanship with the encouragement of creativity and job placement of young Palestinians. In the run-up to Christmas, the Centre increases its output of tradtional crafts which become carriers of the message of peace and love, and the desire for freedom.

The Centre started in 2005 as a result of collaboration between the Salesian Community of Bethlehem and VIS, the Italian NGO "International Volunteers for Development,"  with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is the only school in Palestine that gives formal instruction, through lessons by skilled craftsmen, in the traditional techniques of craftwork in olive wood, mother of pearl and ceramics.

In the Centre, the young people are constantly encouraged to invent new creative solutions and new iconography, utilizing traditional materials and tools. The students' creativity is stimulated by lessons in drawing and art, study visits to sites of historical and archaeological interest in the area, meetings and discussions with international artists and, when possible, travel abroad. The results are often surprising.

The Centre consists of an educational section and a section dedicated to production.  Some past students of the school work in the production section but return for periods of training in the school.  This allows them to continue to improve and at the same time earn a wage.

The Centre also carries out various activities aimed at the integration of former students in the business world, thanks to donations of machinery and processing tools, assistance in starting up small factories, domestic and micro-credit activities. For many young people this support has been a major advantage, making it possible for them to overcome the obstacle of lack of means and start a small business.

The foreign sales of manufactured goods is important. It allows the school to become self-sustaining and offers young artisans a commercial outlet that is not affected by the instability affecting tourism to the Holy Land. These small works of art bring to the rest of the world the history, traditions and needs of the Palestinian people. They carry the message of love, justice, peace, and desire for freedom.

For more information and to view the catalogues of artistic products, visit the website of the Centre. It is also worth visiting the web page of the adjoining Nativity Museum, which contains more than 200 cribs in various styles and sizes.

Published 13/11/2014

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