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13/11/2014 - Mexico - The Councillor for the Missions on a visit to the Province of Mexico-Guadalajara
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(ANS - Ciudad Juárez)- From 9 to 12 November, Fr Guillermo Basañes, Councillor General of the Salesian Congregation for the Missions, paid a visit to the Province of Mexico-Guadalajara, including the Salesian houses in Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez. In both of these border  cities, he was able to see the work done by Salesians and laity for young people. He had an opportunity to greet the beneficiaries, supporters and benefactors of the Salesian works.

In Tijuana Fr Basañes visited the six oratories in the city, the Mary Help of Christians parish and the Padre Chava restaurant which was recently honoured for its significant service to the people trying to cross the border into the United States and those who were repatriated. Fr Basañes also visited the facilities of the National Institute of Migration in the city, where he learned more about the reality of those forced to leave their country in search of a better life.

In Ciudad Juárez, Fr Basañes visited the offices of DJN (Desarrollo Juvenil del Norte) which grew out of the Salesian work in Ciudad Juarez. There he met with young people working as volunteers and shared with them his own missionary experience, as he had already done in Tijuana. He invited them to be aware of everything they can gain from their voluntary service. In this way, together with the central team of DJN,  he got to know the different projects offered by the Salesians to the youth of the city.

Fr Basañes was accompanied on his visit by the Provincial, Fr Hugo Orozco; the Provincial of the Salesians from the Western United States, Fr Ted Montemayor; the Delegates for Missionary Animation of both provinces, Fr Manuel Rivera and Juan Carlos Montenegro; and the coordinator of the Salesian Youth Movement in the Guadalajara Province, Alejandra Peregrina.

Fr Basañes is now continuing his journey with a visit to the Province of Mexico-México.

Published 13/11/2014

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