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5/11/2014 - Italy - Conference at UPS: Rethinking Communication: theories, techniques and teaching

(ANS - Rome) –The Faculty of Social Communication (FSC) of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) has been in existence for twenty-five years. To celebrate this anniversary it is organizing a conference entitled "Rethinking Communication: theories, techniques, and teaching" to take place on 14-15 November. On the same occasion, an Honorary Doctorate of Science in Social Communication will be conferred on Father Federico Lombardi, S.I., Director of the Vatican Press Office.

"At the origin of the conference is undoubtedly the 25th anniversary of the FSC, but the main motivation is to provide an opportunity to discuss the current situation of communication," says Fr Mauro Mantovani, Dean of the FSC. He also says: "In these 25 years the Department has given outstanding service to the Church and society, preparing students from all over the world for work in communication. Many of them now hold significant positions of responsibility."

For the FSC, the fruit of the conference will undoubtedly be agreement on a point of reference and guidelines to direct their efforts for the future, starting with the renewal of the training programme.

Fr Mantovani went on to say: "In a time marked by ideas on communication that are sometimes too simplistic and mechanistic, we want to focus on the anthropological, ethical and educational dimension that is part of the training of communication workers. In meeting the challenges of our society they need to have at heart a passion for truth and attention to young people who are the most vulnerable and marginalized. Their work includes the promotion of justice, peace and peaceful coexistence among different cultures and religions."

The conference will begin with messages from the Dean of the FSC, from Monsignor Claudio Maria Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, and from Professor Carlo Nanni, Rector Magnificus of the UPS.

These will be followed by a panel discussion on the theme "Rethinking Communication."  It will be coordinated by Professor Fabio Pasqualetti, with contributions of Doctor Pier Cesare Rivoltella(Catholic University of Milan), Sr. Maria Antonia Chinello (Auxilium) and Fr Franco Lever (FSC). In the early afternoon there will be eight different meetings conducted by professors and researchers from Italian and Pontifical universities.

The conferral of a doctorate on Father Lombardi will then place. Before Fr Lombardi’s lectio magistralis, there will be contributions from the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime; the Director of the National Office of Social Communication of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Domenico Pompili; the editor ofLa Civiltà Cattolica,Fr Antonio Spadaro, S.I.; and Fr Cosimo Alvati of the FSC.

The morning of Saturday 15 November will be devoted to some reflections of Mario Morcellini (La Sapienza University of Rome) and current perspectives on the challenges of communication.

The full programme, registration form and the speakers’ scripts are all available on the website of the Faculty of Sciences of Social Communication of the UPS. On the same website you can also watch the entire course of the conference on live streaming.

Published 05/11/2014

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