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3/11/2014 - Italy - The Race of the Saints: sports, Christian witness and humanitarian commitment
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(ANS - Rome) - "I greet the participants in the 'Race of the Saints' and the 'March of the Saints', promoted respectively by the Don Bosco Foundation in the World and by the Association of the Small Family Church. I welcome these initiatives that combine sport, Christian witness and humanitarian commitment." So said Pope Francis after the Angelus, on 1 November, summing up perfectly the true meaning of the Race of the Saints.

by GianFrancesco Romano

Earlier the day had opened with a Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints in St. Peter's Basilica presided by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, the Pope's Vicar General for the Vatican City.

The professional and amateur runners warmed up and the two races – 10 km for the professionals and 3 km for the amateurs –  started at 10:10 and 10:20 respectively. The trend of continued growth in membership continued this year, with a total of 7,000 members (5,000 professionals and 2,000 amateurs), an increase of about 1,500 participants from 2013.

Victory went to athletes from Africa, the Moroccans Paul Sugut in the men’s race and Claudette Mukasakindi in the women’s. This is not at all unusual in track and field events, but it is particularly significant in this year’s Race of the Saints, which draws attention to Africa through the "Ebola – Stop it Now" campaign.  A “STOP EBOLA” sticker was attached to the runners’ shirts along with the bib carrying each runner’s entry number and the phone number set up for the fundraising campaign.

With the proceeds of the "Ebola – Stop it Now" campaign, the Salesians of West Africa will be able to enhance their services that help to:
• provide shelter and warmth to children orphaned or abandoned because of the virus;
• provide them with rehabilitation, psychological support and informal learning;
• implement measures for reintegration into their extended families;
• ensure that families have material support and health care;
• offer education and carry out prevention campaigns through the distribution to the poorest people food, medicine and hygiene supplies.

Published 03/11/2014

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