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31/10/2014 - Peru - Friends of Don Bosco Campaign to help needy children and young people of Piura

(ANS - Piura) - From 19 to 25 October the Don Bosco Foundation in Peru has embarked on a trip to Piura to promote the Friends of Don Bosco Campaign. This is part of an ongoing commitment to the integral development of the people, and especially of young people most in need.  It is aimed at people and institutions and hopes to benefit hundreds of children of the poorest areas of the city.

A team led by Fr Raul Acuña Gallo has set out from the capital, Lima,to promote the Friends of Don Bosco Campaign. The proceeds will support the Salesian mission in Peru and especially the Salesian works in Piura.

On the occasionof the Bicentenary of the Birth of Don Bosco, the invitation - as stated in the promotional video – is to transform the lives of 200 needy children and young people in Piura ... a nice gift to Don Bosco and his mission.

For123 years the Salesians have been in Peru, evangelizing, educating and caring for needy children and young people.  In Piura they have been present for 108 years, all spent in the education and social advancement of young people, especially the poorest and most abandoned. Their works include the Colegio Salesiano Don Bosco, Cetpro de Bosconia, Centro Médico de Bosconia and the Salesian Oratories.

As partof the campaign, 8,346 letters were sent to people and institutions in the city. Each of the students of Don Bosco Salesian College of Piura has become something of a postman for Don Bosco, delivering letters to parents and/or guardians, inviting them to participate in the chain of solidarity promoted by Fr Acuña and the Don Bosco Foundation of Peru.

Published 31/10/2014

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