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24/10/2014 - RMG - Take part in the Days of the Salesian Family with your testimony

(ANS - Rome)- "What does it mean for you to be among young people? How would you describe your experience among young people?" These are the questions that the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, puts to all members of the Salesian Family who want to send a video describing their experiences. The videos will be shown during the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family in 2015 ...  Below you will find all the information on how to participate with the video-testimony!

Andrés Felipe C. Loaiza, SDB


The Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family have always been characterized by a spirit of fellowship, harmony and true family. As usual, the theme will be that of the Rector Major’s strenna which, for 2015 is:"Like Don Bosco, with young people, for young people."  The days will begin by showing the many apostolic and missionary experiences through which the Salesian Family continues to keep alive the charism inherited from Don Bosco. The charism is more relevant than ever in a world that has great need for our presence among the poorest and especially among poor young people.

One initiative is to invite ALL members of the Salesian Family to make a short video in response to one of the following questions: “What does it mean for you to be among young people? How would you describe your experience among young people?" The call is open to young people who are living among other young people and who would like to talk about their experience of life.

The video can be submitted in any of the official languages of the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family: Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Polish.

What do you do if you want to participate?

Video format: AVI, MOV, MPEG or MP4.

Duration: 1 minute (maximum).

Closing date for entries: 30 November 2014

Send the video to

Fr José Pastor Ramírez, SDB, Coordinator of the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family for 2015, says: "We invite you ALL to take part. Thanks to technology and the availability of cell phones it is very easy today to make a short video telling us about your experience as a member of the Salesian Family among young people, in any of the 130 countries where we are present as the family of Don Bosco."

Published 24/10/2014

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