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23/10/2014 - RMG - The inauguration of the academic year in the year of the Bicentenary
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(ANS - Rome) - Yesterday the Rector Major Fr Ángel Fernández Artime inaugurated the Academic Year of the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences at Auxilium.  Today, 23 October, he does an encore, ushering in the Academic Year at the Salesian Pontifical University in his role as Grand Chancellor.

The opening is celebrated in two distinct phases: the first, beginning at 9.30 a.m., takes place in the parish church of Santa Maria della Speranza, adjacent to the University, where the Rector Major presides over the Mass of the Holy Spirit with the Choir of the students of the University.

The second is the solemn Academic Ceremony. It begins at 11.15 a.m. in the Paul VI Hall at the UPS, with the Report of the Rector Magnificus, Professor Carlo Nanni. This is followed by the inaugural lecture given jointly by professor Chiara Giaccardi and Professor Mauro Magatti from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. The awards come next.  Medals will be conferred on retiring teachers and on students who distinguished themselves through excellent performance in study. Finally the Chancellor will announce the opening of the Academic Year 2014/2015.

Professors Giaccardi and Magatti are not only colleagues but also husband and wife. They take as their theme "The reality beyond the idea. Intergenerational alliances and education today."

The solemn inauguration of this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the UPS and takes place at a particularly significant time for the Congregation and the Salesian Family as they celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the founder, St. John Bosco. The UPS is an expression at university level of the mission of education of the charism of Don Bosco.  The University honours the saint of young people by participating in significant celebrations organized by the Salesian Congregation, but also by organizing an international Conference on Salesian Education entitled "With Don Bosco, Educators of the Young People of our time." This will take place on 19-21 March 2015 at the Salesianum, via della Pisana, Rome.  The UPS will also participate next month in the Historical Congress on 19-23 November 2014.

Published 23/10/2014

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