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17/10/2014 - Italy - Brothers of Ebola, listening to the communities most vulnerable

(ANS – Roma) – Next Tuesday, 21 October, at 11:00 am, at the Generalate of Camilliani in Rome, there will be a panel discussion on "Brothers of Ebola, listening to the most affected communities." It is a coming together to listen, to combat ebola in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone - three of the poorest countries in the world, along with the local people, particularly the most vulnerable.


The event is intended to hearken to the voices of those who live and work along with the local communities and to launch a unique appeal in order to catch attention and to be aware of this emergency, recalling the words of Pope Francis to civil society, to the government and to the ecclesial community “not to be afraid of fragility” and to listen to the victims to give a more appropriate response to the emergency.


Only joint and coordinated action in response to the needs expressed by governments and local communities can stop the spread of the epidemic. To think about the future and to restore hope it is necessary to be present, to share, to work alongside those affected by the crisis, harnessing the conditions for an effective response.


Those who have adhered to the call include : Associazione Volontari DOKITA onlus, Caritas Italiana, Camilliani, Fatebenefratelli – Ordine Ospedaliero S.Giovanni di Dio, CUAMM - Medici con l'Africa, Focsiv - Volontari nel mondo, Fondazione AVSI – ONG ONLUS, Giuseppini del Murialdo, Missionari Saveriani, Salesiani di don Bosco, VIS - Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo.


Read the full version in italian at:


Published on 17/10/2014

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