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13/10/2014 - Liberia - "We continue to share these difficult times with the people"

(ANS - Monrovia) - "We are now at the stage where the important things are information on how to behave in case of infection and distribution of hygienic material for prevention. We have also begun distributing food to those who are in isolation, those who are most in need (elderly people living alone, large families, single mothers) and who have to pay for a medical check up and medicines."  This is how the Rector of Don Bosco Youth Centre in Matadi, Monrovia, describes the work being done by the Salesians and many people of good will in their efforts to counter the Ebola virus.

by Fr Nicola Ciarapica, SDB

Governmental and international organizations  are providing buildings with about a thousand  about bed-places but there is a shortage of doctors, nurses and ancillary staff (cleaning, food, collecting funds, burial or incineration of corpses ...).

The Catholic Church is trying to keep its seven medical centres open and to re-open the Catholic Hospital of St. Joseph in Monrovia as soon as possible.  It was closed in August after the deaths from Ebola of three St. John of God missionary brothers and that of Sister Chantal.  Unfortunately, the situation is still very critical and there is a long wait for vaccination.

With the passage of time there will be more and more economic problems for families who need food and medicines. We are thinking of how we can help families to become independent through projects that will enable them to grow food products (tomatoes, beans, eggplant, squash ...).

There could be a pilot project for about 300 families in our parish. We are also thinking of how to help students who cannot attend school, since  schools will be closed at least until January or Easter 2015.

Thank you for remembering us while we continue to share these very difficult times with the people. Please continue to support us with your prayers so that our faith may not fail, but may be strengthened. Pray that our hope and love may not die.

Published 13/10/2014

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