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13/10/2014 - Italy - Fr Ángel Fernández Artime an Honorary Citizen of Cagliari

(ANS - Cagliari) – The Rector Major’s visit to Cagliari last weekend was a busy and intense one. He arrived in the Sardinian city on the evening of Friday 10 October and remained until the early afternoon of Sunday 12October.  He met the young people of the Salesian School, which is celebrating its centenary year, the young teachers and catechists of the diocese, as well as Salesians and members of the various groups of the Salesian Family.

The Salesian Youth Movement of Sardinia took advantage of the presence of the tenth Successor of Don Bosco to get together and celebrate their annual feast and a prayer vigil in the parish of St. Paul.

On the Saturday afternoon the Rector Major went to the City Hall where he was welcomed by the Mayor of the city and received honorary citizenship. Many of the City Councillors were present, representing all the Council members who had previously approved unanimously the conferment of citizenship. The proposal had come from some Councillors who had attended the Salesian school or oratory.  

Some of the Councillors expressed their esteem and gratitude for the many Salesians who had worked for the good of the city over the past hundred years. They had made a positive impact on the social fabric of the city and of the entire island through their educational work in other places like Lanusei and Santulussurgiu.

Their contribution in the area of education was the main reason for the conferral of citizenship. In honouring Fr Fernandez Artime, the city wants to reach out to all the Salesians who have contributed during the past hundred years.

Mayor Massimo Zedda was last to speak. He began his remarks by saying: "Welcome to all present and welcome to our new citizen!"  He went on to say that the Salesian Province of Cagliari had been part of the life and history of the city throughout the twentieth century and up to the present time. Today, as in the past, it continues to oppose anything that is having a negative effect on society. The education and solidarity given by the Salesians goes far beyond the boundaries of this city and extends to all the countries in which the Salesians are working.  

Fr Ángel expressed his appreciation for the conferral of citizenship. He invited all present to remember first of all Don Bosco and his dream of being at the service of the young.  This service is realized through the preventive system which, he explained, is not only an educational method but also a way of thinking about life and the meaning of life. It calls on us to see young people not as a problem, but as potential. We make them play an active part in their education and help them to live in joy and happiness.

The Rector Major finished his speech with an invitation to continue to work together, with the city and in the city, for the benefit of young people.

Published 13/10/2014

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