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8/10/2014 - Ecuador - Continental Meeting of Social Communication Delegates

(ANS - Quito) - From 28 September to 1 October the Continental Meeting of Provincial Delegates for Social Communication took place at the San Patricio Spirituality Centre.

by Tatiana Capelo

The underlying objectives of the meeting were: "to give the priorities and approaches to communication that must guide the Provincial Projects of Social Communication in this six-year period; to learn about the new organization of the Salesian Social Communication System resulting from the Plan of the Rector Major and his Council, for the six-year period following GC27; to evaluate the best practices of social communication in each province and collaborate with proposals to address the major challenges; to become aware of the values ​​and challenges of social networks for the education and evangelization of young people."

The Meeting opened on Sunday 28th with a welcome and presentation of the six-year period of the project and coordination of the sectors and regions. Fr Filiberto González, Councillor for Social Communication, addressed those present. The next issue to be addressed was the new Salesian Social Communication System, with the relocation of formation, and the promotion of art and culture.

In the evening, each representative gave a report on the theme "Communication of the Bicentenary and of the GC27." Best practices on the topic and the main challenges encountered were presented.

Monday began with the presentation of the subject "UPS: Developments and limitations of social networks for the education and evangelization of young people," by Milton Cerda, teacher of the Module on Virtual Education at the UPS.  Later there was a sharing of the experience of CISBRASIL, in the change from analogue to digital - Salesian Bulletin and textbooks.

In the afternoon all participants visited The Kennedy Printing Press, and viewed an exhibition of the main products manufactured by the Salesian Social Communication Group. Then they attended the launch of a collection of books on Salesian missionaries and watched the video Salesian Ecuador made by Don Bosco Audiovisuals.

On Tuesday they visited the Salesian community of Cayambe, to learn about the university experience of Radio Mensaje. They also visited the towns of Otavalo and Ibarra. In the evening there was an exhibition of  materials developed in each of the Provinces.

On the final day of the meeting they discussed the following topics: UPS "Codes of conduct for the participation of Salesians and their collaborators in social networks: an educational, evangelizing and institutional perspective." In addition, they had group work for the implementation of guidelines in the field of social communication that must be included in the Provincial Plan.

The meeting was attended by delegates from the Western Province of the United States, Mexico-México, Mexico-Guadalajara, the Antilles (Cuba), Central America, Chile, Uruguay, Northern Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Manaus, Sao Paulo, Campo Grande , Porto Alegre).

Published 08/10/2014

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