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2/10/2014 - Peru - The "Children of Lead" display their achievements

(ANS - Callao) - The Niños de Plomo (Children of Lead) programme came to a conclusion recently with a joyful celebration in Callao.  The day was attended by the Executive Director of the Fundación Don Bosco of Peru, Fr Raúl Gallo Acuña. He encouraged the Oratory members to pray for the many benefactors of the work, that they might continue their support for another similar programme.

The end of the project allowed the boys and girls to display the results obtained during these nine months of work. The younger ones showed how they had learned to read and write. Along with other older participants they showed how, through the psychology workshops, they had learned better ways of behaviour that allowed them to live together peacefully.

Others demonstrated their ability to write and perform short stories. Many of them now know how to perform basic mathematical operations. This was an aspect the teachers had addressed with special care and dedication.

Finally, the youth of the oratory who had taken part in the music workshop were able to show their progress by performing a few songs that they play regularly during religious services.

Since January 2014, the Fundación Don Bosco of Peru, with funding from the Don Bosco Foundation Worldwide based in Rome, has been supporting social services in the Puerto Nuevo neighbourhood of Callao, to encourage the learning process and behaviour of the children who live there.

Due to excessive exposure to minerals, particularly lead, and the criminal activities that occur every day in the streets of Puerto Nuevo, these children suffer from severe learning problems. With this project, and with the support of the institutions involved, about 80 children have had the opportunity of being accompanied by professionals and specialists through psychology and communications workshops, as well as lessons in mathematical reasoning, reading comprehension, music and dance.

Published 02/10/2014

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