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29/9/2014 - Italy - "Speaking of Don Bosco today" ... on TV
Photo for the article -ITALY - "SPEAKING OF DON BOSCO TODAY" ... ON TV

(ANS - Naples)- Starting today, 29 September 2014, viewers can watch a weekly programme entitled "In the Bicentenary Year of the Birth of Don Bosco... Speaking of Don Bosco Today." It can seen on the digital terrestrial channel 145 and on channel 852 on the Sky platform, and on the  “Padre Pio TVstation at 16:45 (GMT + 2).

The programme consists of 15 episodes. It came about as a result of collaboration between Padre Pio TV and the Salesian Province of Southern Italy, and is one of the initiatives promoted by the Province to celebrate the Bicentenary of the Birth of Don Bosco. The purpose of the transmission is to make known, through words and images, the work done by the spiritual heirs of Don Bosco in Puglia, especially in Bari, on behalf of the poorest and most abandoned young people and adults.

The authors are Leonardo Fania, a journalist from TV Padre Pio, and Fr Joseph Ruppi SDB.

Published 29/09/2014

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