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24/9/2014 - Great Britain - Bi-Centenary Mass of Thanksgiving

(ANS – London) – Over 500 members of the Salesian Family and friends came to St George’s Cathedral, Southwark on Saturday 20th September to celebrate the Bi-Centenary of their founder and the patron saint of young people, St John Bosco.

The Holy Mass was led by Archbishop Peter Smith - concelebrating were Bishop Paul Hendricks, Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark, Bishop Howard Tripp, Retired Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark, Bishop Chris Budd, Bishop Emeritus of Plymouth (a past-pupil of Salesian School, Chertsey), Fr Martin Coyle SDB, Provincial of the Salesian Province of Great Britain, and 30 priests, both local and farther afield.

The Mass of Thanksgiving at the Metropolitan Cathedral of St George, Southwark, London recognized the fact that it was to this Diocese that Don Bosco sent his first Salesians in 1887.

Speaking to the Congregation, Fr Martin Coyle, SDB, in his homily, emphasized the unshakeable belief in the presence and providence of God that Don Bosco had; how Don Bosco believed in the goodness and potential of young people, especially those that Society had ignored, or worse, despised; concluding Fr Martin both encouraged and challenged the Salesian Family to continue the legacy of Don Bosco’s mission into the future.

Among the Congregation were staff and pupils from Salesian Schools - St John Bosco College, Wandsworth; Salesian School, Chertsey; Salesian College, Farnborough; Savio Salesian College, Bootle.

Others in the Cathedral included Altar servers from the Sacred Heart Parish, Battersea; the welcome ministry was provided by staff and volunteers from Salesian Youth Ministry, and Savio House, Bollington - and the music ministry was led and animated by young adults from all around England.

The Congregation was invited after the Mass to have refreshments in the Hall and to spend time looking at the Photographic Exhibition provided by Salesian Link (the Salesian office of Social Media and Communications in GB) on the theme – “Vision of Life”.

Published 24/09/2014

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