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23/9/2014 - Poland - Visit of the Rector Major to Piła
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(ANS - Piła) - From 19 to 21 September the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, visited the St Adalbert Province of Pila (PLN).

On the evening of Friday 19, Fr Fernandez Artime participated in the ninth Assembly of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) and the Salesian Family at Szczecin. He opened proceedings and then watched the show Etiuda stworzeniu Swiata (Study of the creation of the world) by the Bosco Circus Group.

The following morning the Rector Major attended a lecture on the history of the Salesians in Poland and participated in a debate on Don Bosco and the poor. Then he celebrated the Eucharist with over 60 confreres and reminded his congregation of the need to sow the Word of God everywhere.

In the afternoon he met with the Provincial Council and the Salesians of the province, answering their questions and sharing with them the experience of the 27th General Chapter and his reflections on some Chapter themes.  As a mark of gratitude, the Salesians of PLN gave the Rector Major an icon of Saint Adalbert, patron saint of the province.

The evening was shared with the Salesian Family and young people of the SYM.  It ended with a celebration in honour of Don Bosco, during which the Rector Major blessed a picture of the saint, which will be brought in pilgrimage to the Salesian houses in the Province during the Bicentenary Year.

On Sunday Fr Angel visited the Salesian parish of Szczecin, where he celebrated Mass before leaving for Rome. This brought to an end his visit to Salesian Poland. In the space of a week he was able to visit all four Polish Provinces.

Published 23/09/2014

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