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15/9/2014 - RMG - "To be with young people, make friends, bear witness" the Missionary Recipe of Fr Bonkálo

(ANS - Rome) - Sunday, September 28 the 145th Salesian Missionary Expedition will start off from the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, but already for the past 10 years, the "missio sui iuris" in Baku, Azerbaijan was already functioning in one of the frontiers of the Congregation and the Church. One of the them is the Salesian Fr Martin Bonkálo, 42 years old, originally from Slovakia, who was interviewed during a rest period of the Orientation Course.

by Gian Francesco Romano

What was your vocational journey?

I met the Salesians when I was 12-13 years old; for me they were like "brothers", the "older friends" with whom, every now and then, we meet in secret - because of the communist regime - at some meetings where we prayed, read the Bible ... Growing up, I became an animator, but I never thought to become a priest. In fact, when I felt a vocational yearning, I decided to enroll in the technical institute, because according to the law and to my knowledge of the time, to become a priest it was necessary to take up the humanistic studies.

Then again, during the winter vacation, chatting with a Salesian, I discovered that you could become a priest not only through the diocesan seminary. That night I did not sleep, I wanted to run away! But after a while ', I spoke again with a "my older friend" and I began to experience the Salesian life. I did the pre-novitiate, clandestinely, and the novitiate, in 1991, already in an official manner.

And the missionary vocation?

Just like for the priesthood, this was not something that I felt from the very beginning, of course. My Provincial sent me to study theology at Cremisan, in Israel, and missionaries often went there ... I think almost no one has organized an ad hoc testimony, but through dialogue, in the day to day life, I have talked a lot more! And then, when I was studying there, I always worked with Arab boys in a oratory of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. So I said to myself: "I can live as a Salesian, even in other countries, not only in Slovakia."

How was your first impression of Azerbaijan?

The first information about Azerbaijan  was from the Internet. Once I reached the place, for me, it was not very difficult. The experience in the Middle East already had formed me to come into contact with other cultures. In addition, the community of Baku is composed entirely of Slovaks, also this has helped, and I found the similarities between Slovakia and Azerbaijan, since both countries had a communist past.

How do you imagine your life in 20-25 years? And the Church in Azerbaijan, within 20-25 years?

I still see myself in Azerbiagian, maybe in another work, another city. As for the Church, since we are in a country with a large Muslim majority, the development will be slow and delicate, but it is already there and will continue to be there.

What have you given and what have you received from the young of Baku?

The government's mandate allows us to operate with foreign students or those who know the Russian language; to meet them, we organize after-school activities, formation and leisure. What I try to do, is in the first place to be with young people; then we become friends, so we  bear witness; and if someone asks you, answer!

From their part, they have taught me the simplicity of life, the ability to create beautiful things from the small things; and the knowledge that when you do good, you also receive the good.

Posted on 09/15/2014

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