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25/8/2014 - Togo - 23rd Congress on getting to know Don Bosco
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(ANS – Lomé)– The 3rd Congress on getting to know Don Bosco began on August 22, 2014 at Lomé, opening with the theme :” DON BOSCO'S SPIRITUALITY”. 140 Salesian Family members from seven countries in the Province took part in the Congress.

The event began mid afternoon with a folklore performance welcoming congress members, followed by an opening prayer led by ADMA. After a brief address by the Congress Coordinator, the Provincial, Fr Faustino Garcia officially opened this 3rd Congress, inviting people to be Don Boscos in their everyday life.

Shortly afterwards Fr Paul Kosso Wogomembou, novice director,  presented the first topic: “The basis of Don Bosco's spirituality: Christ the Good Shepherd and St Francis de Sales”. Some of the elements of this foundation that he emphasised were: gratitude, zeal in preaching and healing given the urgency of the Kingdom of God, predilection for the little ones and the poor, the kindness of the Good Shepherd and the desire to bring the disciples together.

The second topic was presented by Fr José Miguel Nuñez, former Regional for Western Europe: “Don Bosco: a mystic full of faith, hope and charity”.  The lesson from this conference was that Don Bosco was a mystic with eyes open and feet on the ground. He lived as someone who saw the invisible.

Following this second talk, congress participants met in groups to share and reflect.

The first day finished towards 7 p.m. with Evening Prayer at Don Bosco House.

Published 25/08/2014


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