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4/8/2014 - Colombia - Fr Timothy Ploch concludes his visit to the COM Province
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(ANS - Medellín)- From 25 to 31 July, Fr Timothy Ploch, Councillor for the Interamerica region, visited the "St. Louis Bertrand" Province of Colombia-Medellin (COM), where he had the opportunity to spend time with the Salesians, members of the Salesian Family and some local pastoral educative communities. His visit ended with the Curatorium for post-novitiate and Theology communities, which receive Salesians from both Colombian provinces.

During his visit to the COM Province, Fr Ploch was at the "Blessed Michael Rua" aspirantate and pre-novitiate community in Rionegro; and at the "San Pedro Claver" community in Cartagena, where he met the Salesian Provincial Council and participated in the celebration of the 75th anniversary of that presence.

On July 28, he returned to Medellín, where he could visit the parish of Our Lady of Suffrage and the "Ciudad Don Bosco" Complex, one of the most important of the province, which houses children and young people through several specific programs, such as: Right to Dream, Rebuilding Smiles, Builders of Hope, Center for Specialized Care (CAE in Spanish, aimed at young former child soldiers), Work Training, Human Development …

Tuesday, July 29th, the Councillor for Interamerica took part in the Curatorium  of the "Sacred Heart" Novitiate in La Ceja and on Wednesday 30th, chaired the Curatorium of the "Blessed Philip Rinaldi" Post Novitiate in Copacabana, together with the two Provincials of Colombia: Fr John Jairo Gómez Rúa (COM), and Fr Jaime Morales, (COB); Also present for the occasion was Fr Niebles Vidal, director of post-novitiate, and the whole formation team. On Thursday 31st, both Colombian Provincials with Fr Ploch participated in the Curatorium of the Theologate in Bogota.

Posted on 08/04/2014

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