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16/7/2014 - Syria - Building a space of peace and joy in Aleppo

(ANS - Aleppo) - In many countries of the Northern Hemisphere summer activities are in full swing. Salesians and young animators offer thousands of boys and girls a programme of education and fun in typical Salesian style. This is happening also in Aleppo, Syria, where, however, the Salesian Summer activities for young people are taking place within a few kilometres of a war-zone.

There are about a hundred children attending the activities in the Salesian House in Aleppo, where several young leaders are working with the Salesians, trying to promote the Gospel values ​​of mutual respect and love. The summer activities which  started on 7 July consist mainly of arts and crafts, sports and games.

The climate in the city remains tense and near Aleppo there are still frequent outbreaks of violence. "Thank God the Salesians and the young people are doing well," reported the Salesian Provincial of the Middle East, Fr Munir El Rai, who is at present in Aleppo.

In the Salesian House, the situation is difficult. The  shortage of electricity and especially of drinking water is sorely felt, but what causes most worry is the lack of security in some areas.

Water is available from a well at the Oratory, but it is not fit for drinking.  The community is doing its best to solve the problem. The summer activities “are progressing well" within the limits if possibility, and the Salesians and educators are doing everything possible to create an atmosphere of peace and serenity.

According to a member of the Salesian community, "When the young people are at the oratory, this place is transformed into an oasis of peace. With the help of many benefactors and various people of good will, we are giving a glimmer of hope for a better and peaceful future."

Published 16/07/2014

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