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7/7/2014 - Italy - Hunger for rights: a fairer society for children
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(ANS - Bari)- On 3 July, the Salesian oratories of Apulia held a festival which was attended by about 800 children and young people from the region. There was also a press conference on the theme "Towards Expo 2015: hunger for rights, the right food for the young."

The day was organized by the Salesian Youth Movement and the Salesian Oratory of the Redeemer in Bari, in collaboration with Coldiretti Puglia, Terranostra Puglia, Campagna Amica, the John Paul II Foundation, and the Clown for a Friend group.

First, the young participants were welcomed at the host oratory, where they received a snack and were welcomed by Fr Pasquale Cristiani, Provincial of Southern Italy. The rest of the morning was devoted to teaching the young people new games under the banner of Ludobus of the John Paul II Foundation  and road games prepared by the leaders of the Oratory of the Redeemer.

Meanwhile, at the nearby hall of St. Anthony at Fortino, there was a press conference which was attended by Gianni Cantele and Angelo Corsetti,President and Director respectively of Coldiretti Puglia; GiuseppinaLimongelli, a paediatrician; and Fr Fabio Bellino,the Salesian Delegate for Pastoral Ministry, and Fr Gianpaolo Roma, Delegate for Missionary Animation.

The event was organized by Fr Francesco Preite, Director of the oratory of the Redeemer. He said: "The boys have a hunger for rights: play, socialization, friendship. This festival is a beautiful demonstration that together we can build a better future, a more just society, where young people are at the centre. We try to do our utmost, and it is our hope that the Puglia Region will recognize our role in society."

After lunch the 800 young people went in procession to the Cathedral in Bari. They were welcomed by the parish priest, Fr Franco Lanzolla, and got to know something of the history of the Cathedral. They recited a prayer that had been specially prepared for the occasion.  Fr Bellino gave a talk based on the Gospel passage of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. He said: "Jesus knows that food can be multiplied whenever a young person is willing to donate. This is what happens: when we share what we have, things are multiplied. The generosity of young people and the trust the leaders have in the young, work miracles."

The festival then concluded in the Piazza Ferrarese, with a performance by the Clown to a Friend group and the Good Night thought given by Fr Cristiani, who reiterated the need for people to continue to give themselves for the little ones in order to build a more just and inclusive society. The Molfetta oratory was judged the winner.

Published 07/07/2014

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