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4/6/2014 - Spain - Refugees, more than 400,000 cared for by Salesian missionaries

(ANS - Madrid) - "One night we had to rush home because they were firing bullets and some armed men were entering the houses to steal," says Joseph, an eleven year old boy, who has been living for some months in the refugee camp in the Salesian mission in Juba in South Sudan. This is just one of many stories that emerge from the refugee camps run by the Salesians and supported through campaigns such as "No mires atrás" (Do not look elsewhere) promoted by the Salesian Mission Office in Madrid.

Like Joseph , more than 35 million people around the world have seen their lives shattered. 85% of these are women and children. Armed conflict, persecution or natural disasters such as drought, floods or earthquakes, force them to leave their homes. In many cases they finish up in the refugee camps that are erected when emergencies occur, and then sometimes remain for years. "There are people who have known no home other than the camp. They were born and raised in refugee camps." So says Ana Muñoz, spokesperson for the Salesian Missions.  According to the Salesian missionaries working in the refugee camp in Kakuma in  Kenya,  "Life passes slowly in these places. There is not much to do and the refugees cannot go out to work or study."

At present , the Salesian missionaries are looking after some 400,000 refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide . The No mires atrás campaign, launched by the Mission Office in Madrid, aims to raise awareness of the reality in which the refugees live and to raise funds to continue to serve those who leave their homes.

We live in a very troubled world. There are armed clashes in South Sudan, Central African Republic and Syria ... millions of people who see their lives at risk seek refuge in safe places." In South Sudan, the Salesian mission deals with more than 500 displaced women and children. In the Central African Republic, there are still thousands of people staying in our parishes and schools," says Ms. Muñoz.

In Turkey and Lebanon, the Salesian missionaries welcome Syrian families. In Pakistan, more than 2,200 Afghan children go to school thanks to the commitment of the Salesian missionaries . In India, more than 22,000 people living in refugee camps near New Delhi are served "so that they can have access to education and health care, and to help them to find work and carry out some activities with the children," says Fr George Menamparampil from India.

"For us, the education of children and young refugees is important  not only for the knowledge it imparts and the preparation it gives for the labour market, but also because they learn good habits of behaviour and a sense of normalcy,  and it keeps their hope alive," concluded Ms Muñoz.

Published 04/06/2014

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