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14/5/2014 - Dominican Republic - Assembly of Don Bosco Past Pupils

(ANS - Santo Domingo) - On the weekend of 10-11 May, the Second National Assembly of the Dominican Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco  took place in the Mary Help of Christians House in Santo Domingo. The Statutes were studied and approved ad experimentum and the officers of the Presidency were elected.

The Assembly of the National Federation of the Past Pupils  "is the main sign of the unity of the Association of Past Pupils of Don Bosco in its diversity. It is a fraternal meeting, in which the past pupils reflect and decide together to remain faithful to Don Bosco, the Association, the Gospel, the Church and society."

The meeting was dedicated to the late Don Rafael Fernández. A total of 45 past pupils took part from the Local Unions of the houses in the region of Cibao and Santo Domingo. There were three fundamental objectives: the election of the National Presidency; the approval of the Statute of the Federation; formation and unity among the members.

In the opening ceremony on 10 May, Fr Juan Suriel, Vice-Provincial of the Antilles, Fr Juan Linares, Provincial Delegate for the past pupils, and Mr. Luis Ventura, National President, welcomed the participants and offered words of encouragement. The President also gave a report on his term of office and then the Assembly examined and approved the Federal Statute.

On Sunday 11 May, Fr Jose Ramirez, World Delegate for the Past Pupils, offered greetings from the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, and from the World President, Francis Muceo. He also gave the keynote address: "The new leadership of the Association of Past Pupils of Don Bosco." He said among other things: "The past pupils now have the inescapable responsibility of choosing wise, effective, democratic leaders, capable of making decisions and engaging in dialogue, who know the identity and mission of the association today, are capable of passing it on to others, and are able to guarantee the unity of the association with the Salesian Family and the other groups in it."

Fr Juan Linares led the discernment process that re-elected Mr. Luis Ventura as President. They also elected Mr Leonel Báez as Vice-President; Mr Jiménez Yeudy as Vice-President of the Young Past Pupils(GEx); Mr. Robert De la Cruz as Treasurer; and Mrs. Glennys Estévez as Secretary. Raysa Hernandez, Aimee Rosa and Josefina Peguero were elected as spokespersons for the ladies, and Chirstofer Lizardo and Jonathan Ramirez for men.

Proceedings ended with Mass celebrated by Fr Víctor Pichardo, and the oath of the new Presidency.


Published 14/05/2014

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