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13/5/2014 - Spain - Fear and Tension in Nigeria
Photo for the article -SPAIN – FEAR AND TENSION IN NIGERIA

(ANS – Madrid) - The seizure in April of more than 200 girls has opened old wounds in Nigeria. "The general situation of the country is delicate, with a lot of tension and a climate of fear. Boko Haram moves freely and there is a feeling that it can strike at any time and in any part of the country." So said the Salesian missionaries who work in the country when they spoke to the directors of the Salesian Mission Office in Madrid.

"The families of the abducted girls are very angry.  Many want to go into the forest to retrieve their daughters, but it is very dangerous," they say.   Although the Nigerian population is living in great fear,  there are demonstrations every day to request the release of the girls. "They're all Christian girls. Many Catholic families in the north contact us to get their daughters into our schools and hostels so that they can continue their education, " the Salesians report.

In the north of the country - where Boko Haram is active - many schools have been closed out of fear." Only those guarded by the military remain open, even though the soldiers fear an attack with heavy weapons by Boko Haram.”    Moreover,  “many Christians and Catholics are forced to leave everything: land, homes, businesses ... and migrate to the south."

The intention of the terrorists of Boko Haram is to remove all traces of Western Christian civilization. "Nigerians do not want a new division of the country. They have already experienced the problem of Biafra’s attempted secession in the 60s and 70s"  the missionaries say.

The Salesian Missions Office in Madrid demands the release of the kidnapped girls and joins the international #BringBackOurGirls campaign. The Salesians believe that the solution to the conflict is through dialogue and tolerance. Education for peace and coexistence are the way to exploit the great potential of Nigeria, which has a population of over 110 million people under the age of 25. The Salesian missionaries can play a key role in inter-religious dialogue and the development of this "sleeping giant." To do this, we must work every day in training young people and educating to universal values ​​such as reason, kindness and tolerance.

Published 13/05/2014

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