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5/5/2014 - Italy - 150 young people in search of an authentic culture of encounter
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(ANS – Rome) – The third annual formation seminar on Social Communications for Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in initial formation took place on the weekend 2-3 May at the Salesian Pontifical University.  Accompanied by their formation personnel, the 150 participants studied the message of Pope Francis for the 48th World Day of Social Communications: "Communication in the service of an authentic culture of encounter."                                          

On the opening day they received greetings from the Councillors for Social Communication, Fr Filiberto González and Sr. Josephine Teruggi; from Sr Pina Del Core, Dean of Auxilium; and from Fr Mauro Mantovani, Dean of the Faculty of Social Communication of  UPS.

On the Friday afternoon there was a round table discussion with a video made by Professor Henry Cassanelli, and three much appreciated contributions from  Sr Mary Spólnik (Auxilium), Fr Domenico Ricca (SCS/CNOS Federation, Chaplain of the juvenile prison in Turin) and Fr Paul Benanti (Gregorian Pontifical University). Various elements of authentic communication were highlighted, from the anthropological, moral, educational and pastoral points of view. Particular attention was paid to the digital environment and the challenges of meaning that it poses particularly to young people. Fr Donato Lacedonio introduced the speakers.

The ideas proposed by the speakers were then discussed by the participants, first in groups and then in general assembly. On the Friday evening there was entertainment in the Paul VI Hall organized by the novices of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. It ended with the Good Night by the Rector of the UPS, Fr Carlo Nanni.

On the Saturday, there were nine workshops led by various experts in the subjects:

  • Song and musical communication (Matilda Viola).
  • Cinema, Culture of the Encounter (Renato Butera).
  • Story-telling (Paolo Restuccia).
  • Theatre (Tadeusz Lewicki).
  • Intercultural Communication (Katia Scannavini).
  • The Network as a way of meeting and drawing close (Fabio Pasqualetti).
  • Word of God and communication (Anna Rita Cristaino).
  • Listening, learning the art of dialogue (Antonio Dellagiulia, ESF).
  • When is communication genuine? (Franco Lever).

The feedback from the various groups, moderated by Sister Anna Rita Cristaino, was lively and interesting.

The prayer times and the Mass on Saturday, at which Fr González presided, were prepared and led by the communities and groups of participants.

The formation day was organized by the Department of Social Communication of the Salesians, the department of Social Communication of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences at Auxilium and the Faculty of Social Communication.

Published 05/05/2014

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