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29/4/2014 - Philippines - EAO Regional congresses for the Salesian Cooperators

(ANS – Manila– The first of eleven regional congresses for the Salesian Cooperators (ASC) has  just ended in the Philippines. On 23 April 2014 some 128 Salesian Cooperators, SDB and FMA delegates gathered near Alabang, Tuloy sa Don Bosco Street Children Village for a four day Congress.

During the Congress there was also the election of the Word Councillor for the EAO/R ASC Region: Mr Philip Yu was elected. He was born in Hong Kong fifty years ago, and made his promise as a Salesian Cooperator in 1980; he is married, speaks English and Mandarin and works as an engineer for Environmental and Applications Engineering in HVAC. As a Salesian Cooperator he has been Provincial Coordinator – CIN (2009-2014), Regional Councillor – EAO Formation, (2008-2014) and World Councillor for EAO (2001-2008).

Every few years since 1993, between a hundred and two hundred Salesian Cooperators from many countries of the EAO region have been coming together for a Congress. Previous Congresses were as follows: 1993 in Hua Hin (Thailand), 1996 in Batulao-Calaruega (Philippines), 1999 in Hong Kong, 2001 in Cebu (Philippines), 2004 in Suwon (South Korea), 2008 in Macau and 2011 in Bangkok (Thailand).

Each Congress produces new apostolic energy and inspiration, and the visible results are the definite growth of the Salesian charism especially as expressed in the Salesian Cooperator Vocation and Mission of participants in each of the countries.

This time too there are some memorable participants and many hints of the Holy Spirit guiding His People: for the first time the Papua New Guinea-Solomon Islands Delegation is taking part. John Lester from Singapore made his promise at the Macau Congress in 2008 and is still the only Cooperator in Singapore. He shared his dream and his passion to see the growth of the Salesian Cooperator vocation in his home place.

On the final day of the Congress eighteen new members made their Promise at a Mass celebrated by Fr Joseph Casti, the SDB World Delegate.

The objectives of the EAO region for 2014-2020 were summarized as follows: to reflect on the Congress experience and pass it on to all local centres; renewal through study of the Project of Apostolic Life – a good translation is important; to deepen and strengthen the Salesian identity and Charism; to be creative in new frontier works, educating and protecting children; to welcome and support young cooperators through apostolic work.

The EAO REGION of the Salesian Cooperators has more than 120 local centres, in seven ASC provinces, with 670 Aspirants (probably the highest percentage among all 11 Regions of the Salesian Cooperators worldwide) and more than 2300 members with the promise.

Published 29/04/2014

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