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17/4/2014 - Spain - New opportunities for young people not living in a family

(ANS - Cordoba) – It is tough for any young person to get ahead in the job market today, it is even more so for those who have no family behind them. Such as for those boys who have become older, now coming out from the reception centers for children cared for by the "Junta de Andalucía." The "Fundación Don Bosco" think of these young men, it welcomes them and accompanies them into their new life. The foundation has on site several residential projects, socio-educational and job placement services.

The Directress of the Fundación Don Bosco -Cordoba District, Antonia Moriana, told the ABC newspaper of one of their leading programs: the project "Buzzetti." It focuses on the 18 yeras old youth who were residents of the Centers for Minors and who "at one time, upon getting out of there, did not have any support in order to live with dignity." These young people, who are often immigrants, are now provided an integral work that "includes education, health, housing and the use of other resources in the city."

This year the project has already involved a dozen boys, in addition to the 40 who have already taken part in previous years, starting from 2012 when the project was launched. There are various modes of realization: he goes to a house with 5 beds, managed in collaboration with Caritas and the Jesuits, or he lives in shared apartments, hostels or other structures in the city.

Moreover, each young person is provided with a basic personalized formation, which stimulates him to apply himself in the specializations and professions for business; this is an activity that costs more effort to the kids, but that is being carried out by the Foundation in collaboration with various social enterprises such as Solemncor (which is collecting paper for Caritas).

Another project of the Fundación Don Bosco in Cordoba is the home with 24 beds for minors under the guardianship of the "Junta de Andalucía." In this case, the Salesian foundation has implemented an innovative system of group work which serves to give the residents, aged between 8 and 17 years old  "an alternative similar to a home for children who are taken from their families."

And to help these kids become adults there are also other projects, job placement, pre-employment training, and employment training, internships and collaborations with placement agencies. In this context, the foundation collaborates with the Secretariat for Student Affairs, the project "Professional Experience for Employment" and the "Accept a youth" (Incorpora Joven). Dr. Moriana concludes:"In the foundation, we are dealing not only with the orientation, but all the individual aspects, working on personal skills of young people, so that these guys can go ahead to resume higher studies or carry out their apprenticeship."

Published 04/17/2014

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