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14/4/2014 - RMG - GC27: A Look at History
Photo for the article -RMG – GC27: A LOOK AT HISTORY

(ANS - Rome) - At the end of the 27th General Chapter, we publish online today, a little bit late, an interview with the oldest Chapter member: Fr Francesco Maraccani.

You have participated in eight General Chapters. What are the common elements of these 50 years of Salesian history?
Eight General Chapters is a record, but above all a great gift from the Lord. In the different Chapter assemblies there has been substantial continuity, with the Salesian vocation and mission as the unifying thread. The Special General Chapter (GC20) studied our vocation and mission in the light of Vatican II to put the Council into practice, and began the revision of the Constitutions that lasted until GC22. Subsequent Chapters examined the issues and key areas of our vocation and mission: to educate young people to faith (GC23), Salesians and lay people (CG24), the Salesian community today (GC25) and Da mihi animas, cetera tolle, the heart of our Salesian mission (GC26).

It seems that we have passed from a time of argument and dispute to a phase of relative acquiescence.
In my opinion, this is more an impression than a reality.  I have not experienced this. In the Special General Chapter we tried to conform our lives to the teaching  of Vatican II, and some saw this as a radical change. But it was not. Then there was continuity ("acquiescence"!) when we gradually put the guidelines and decisions of the Special General Chapter into practice in our lives.

Representation at the Salesian Chapter has changed: what would you say about the congregation today?
The representation reflects the development of the Congregation, especially in Asia and Africa. We can rightly speak about the African face of Don Bosco, which has been very visible in recent chapters, and especially in GC27. The Chapters have been greatly enriched by cultural diversity and the way we live and carry out the mission in different contexts. We experience and share the richness of the charism, while we live in fraternity, sharing our experience.

From your perspective as Secretary General, Secretary of the General Council, Procurator General, Spokesperson of the Rector Major and  Head of the Juridical Office  - what is the state of health of the congregation?
My opinion is the same as that of the Rector Major Emeritus, Fr Pascual Chávez. The Congregation is in good health. There are regions in greater difficulty, a decrease in the number of members and many who leave each year, especially among the temporary professed. But we must not forget the great number of confreres who live in fidelity, dedication and sacrifice, with people on the edges of society.

Have you any recommendations for the new Rector Major?
The three core values in the Chapter document (mystics, prophets, servants) and their articulation in the three steps (listening –understanding– finding the way forward)  are necessarily part of the task of animation and government of the Rector Major and his Council. Listen to confreres, the community, the voices of the Church and society in the places where we work ...  Understand the different situations and contexts, the opportunities and challenges in our mission, our response to the needs of young people, especially the poorest ...  Go forward together with the confreres and with young people.

Published 14/04/2014

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