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14/4/2014 - Vatican - Message of the Holy Father Pope Francis on dialogue in Venezuela

(ANS - Vatican City) - The whole world is watching carefully the talks being held in La Paz, Bolivia, on the socio-political situation in Venezuela. The Holy See has been invited to participate in the proceedings and Pope Francis has sent a letter to President Maduro, in which he stated: "At the heart of every sincere dialogue there is first of all recognition and respect for others."

The complete text follows:

To His Excellency, President Nicolás Maduro Moros,
the Honourable Members of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,
the Honourable Representatives of the Mesa de Unidad Democrática
and the Honourable Chancellors of UNASUR (Union of South American Nations:

Let me first of all thank you for the invitation addressed to the Holy See to participate in the process of dialogue and peace in your beloved country. I wish first of all to ensure each of you of my prayer, that the meeting and the process you are undertaking may bear the desired fruits of national reconciliation and peace, gifts which we ask of God for all the people of Venezuela.

I am aware of the anxiety and pain experienced by many people and, while expressing concern about what is happening , I renew my affection for all Venezuelans , particularly for the victims of violence and their families. I am deeply convinced that violence will never bring peace and prosperity to a country because always it generates only violence. On the contrary, it is through dialogue that you can rediscover common shared ground that can lead to overcoming the current moment of conflict and polarization that is hurting Venezuela so deeply, and find ways of cooperation. The common good will be fostered through respect and recognition of the differences that exist between the Parties. All of you, in fact, share a love for your country and your people, as well as serious concerns related to the economic crisis, violence and crime. You all care about the future of your children and the desire for peace that characterizes the Venezuelans. You all have in common belief in God and a willingness to defend the dignity of the human person.

It is precisely what you have in common that motivates you to engage in the dialogue that begins today. This is what lies at the basis of the true spirit of your meeting, conscious that unity must prevail over conflict. I invite you, therefore, not to remain in a situation of conflict, but to open up and become authentic peacemakers . At the heart of every sincere dialogue there is first of all recognition and respect forothers. Above all, there is the "heroism" of forgiveness and mercy, which sets us free from resentment and hatred, and open up a way that is really new. It is a long and difficult road, which requires patience and courage, but it is the only one that can lead to peace and justice. For the good of all the people and for the future of your children, I ask you to have this courage.

With these sentiments I accompany all the beloved nation of Venezuela, and to each one I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing, invoking the help of the Lord.

From the Vatican, 10 April 2014, the second year of my Pontificate

Published 14/04/2014

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