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12/4/2014 - RMG - GC27 : Final Work Session
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(ANS - Rome)- The final days of the chapter just as intense as those that went before. The regional groups met several times to examine some reflections and proposals in the light of the plan of animation and government to be prepared by the Rector Major and his Council.

The General Chapter is an assembly representative of the different realities that make up the congregation across the five continents and which have changed over the decades. At the General Chapter, which takes place every six years , the participants are the provincials and delegates "elected from among the perpetually professed in various circumscriptions of the congregation."

For the sake of better proportionality in the election of delegates as determined by article 114 of the Regulations , the GC27 decided to amend the article to read as follows:  “Provinces with fewer than 200 professed members, and  vice-provinces, will send to the general chapter one delegate  elected by the respective chapters. In addition, Provinces will send another delegate for every 200 professed members or fraction thereof.  Other eventual juridical circumscriptions referred to in  article 156 of the Constitutions will have their representation  defined in their decree of erection.”

The Assembly examined, discussed and deliberated on other issues, such as:
- The recruitment of Salesian personnel for Valdocco and Colle Don Bosco,
- The value of the Acts of the General Council, of the web portal, and the Salesian INFO Agency (ANS), as instruments of information and formation.

The chapter members also looked at the service of animation and government of the Rector Major and his Council. They confirmed "the validity of the Project of animation and government of the six-year period."  To support this service they added to Article 107 of the Regulations, specifying that "the animation of the Salesian mission at world level requires the identification of common objectives and synergy between the councillors in charge of specific areas and the coordination of activities with the regional councillors, through regular meetings for planning and evaluation."

Some information on the Bicentenary was presented. Among the worldwide events planned, and already presented in the February press conference by the then Rector Major Fr Pascual Chávez, particular attention was paid to the International Historic Congress and the International Pedagogy Conference.  There will certainly be significant events involving the Salesian Family and the Salesian Youth Movement.

There was also a communication on the activities of the Association of Salesian Students of History and the need to record what makes Salesian history today.

The meeting was also informed of a proposal from the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

Fr Javier Valiente intervened to report on the decision of the Federal Government of Spain which asked the Principe Foundation of Asturie to give the 2014 Prince of Asturie Award for Peace to the Salesians of Don Bosco (

Their candidacy has already been supported at institutional level, and now awaits the widest possible competition from other institutions in a global context. The Chapter members were given an email address for information:

Published 12/04/2014

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