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10/4/2014 - RMG - GC27: The Philippines after the typhoon
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(ANS - Rome) - The Good Night on 9 April ​​was given by Fr George Militante. He spoke about the work of the Salesians in the province of the Northern Philippines (FIN) and especially in that of the Southern Philippines (FIS) where he is Provincial.

“The Philippines,” said Fr Militante, “is a developing country which rarely features in the news, apart from exceptional sporting or political events or natural disasters. The typhoon of November 2013 did untold and unimaginable damage.”

The super-typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan was the worst that has ever hit the country and the strongest in the world in 2013. "The consequences show us what happens when nature gets angry. There was huge destruction and annihilation of property, crops and infrastructure, and especially the loss of life of so many people," said Fr Militante.

Providentially, there has been great help from around the world. The Salesian world has contributed through various non-governmental organizations and the Mission Offices, as well as individual houses, communities, students and members of the Salesian Family. "We really felt that there are people who care, and that the world has gradually become a village, a home for all who share the same humanity."

The Southern Province has proved up to the task, taking on the job of being directly involved in first aid. The Salesians of FIN have also done their best according to their means, and the support continues.

"Despite these difficulties and concerns, the Philippines is a country truly blessed by the Lord, with a generous nature and a resilient people who never get discouraged. They are able to smile even in the face of suffering and hardship."

The two provinces are continuing their traditional activities in schools and in missionary work, with specific attention to the young, the poor and the people most in need.

As the Bicentenary of the Birth of Don Bosco draws near, the Salesians in the Philippines feel called to have hearts like the heart of the Good Shepherd, to become pastors who burn with zeal, passion and love for young people."

Published 10/04/2014

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