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9/4/2014 - Argentina - A new Salesian University

(ANS - Bahía Blanca) - On 31 March, the President of Argentina, the Honourable Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, signed the decree for the creation of the Salesian University of Argentina (UNISAL). The decree was delivered to the Rector, Prof. Marta Pines, during an official ceremony at the "Casa Rosada.”

The Ceferino Namuncurá Province of Argentina South had spent eight years in intense preparation. The ceremony marked the beginning of the Salesian University.

Initially, the University will offer courses in Psychology, Law, Communication and Education. Other courses will be added later to meet the needs of young people and the Salesian mission among poorer young people.

When they heard the news of the presidential decree, some Salesians who had been active in the process of creation of UNISAL and are currently participating in the 27th General Chapter, expressed their satisfaction. For example, Fr  Honorio Caucamán, Provincial designate of Argentina South, said that “UNISAL              will enable the Salesian educational method to reach the Argentine academic world (...) and will enable Salesian pastoral ministry to expand in our society."

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, former Provincial of Argentina South and now Rector Major said that "in the last four years, the most important thing was the work done by the team that carried forward the process."

Regarding this team, Salesian Brother Hugo Carlos Vera, Academic Secretary of UNISAL, said: "For eight years we worked hard to get approval. Now we have an opportunity to give quality service to the young people of Patagonia.  UNISAL wants to reach the ordinary people and to respond to the problems facing young people."

In addition to Bro. Vera, others who worked on the team were:  Prof. Marta Pines, Rector; Fr Vicente Tirabasso SDB, Vice-Rector; Adrián Mandara, Secretary for facilities and student life; Eduardo Garcia, Administration Secretary; and Hernán Giorgini, external consultant.

Published 09/04/2014

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