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20/3/2014 - RMG - GC27: The Marian Miracle of Salesian India
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(ANS - Rome) – On 24 May 1922, at the end of the first Marian Procession, the few Salesians of Assam, led by Bishop Louis Mathias, said this prayer: "We consecrate to you this land, its mountains, its rivers, its people and all the inhabitants." After a few years the Salesians and others described the  Missions in Assam as "the miracle of Our Lady."  This could truly be said of all the Salesian missionary work in India.

Fr George Maliekal, Provincial of Silchar, the newest of the eleven Provinces of India, recalled this episode during the Goodnight on18 March.

Audacity and Hope: this was the motto chosen  by Bishop Mathias for the pioneering group. This motto inspired not only the pioneers but also their successors. Many of them lived a life of heroism and holiness. Some of the best-known are Constantine Vendrame, Orestes Marengo, Francis Convertini and Stephen Ferrando.

The Church in Assam has grown from 5,000 to 1,200,000 Catholics in fifteen  dioceses.  In a nation with 1.2 billion people of whom fewer than 2% are Catholics, the impact of the Don Bosco institutions is beyond all imagination. In addition to the traditional works such as parishes, schools, technical schools and youth centres, there are other innovative initiatives that have had a positive impact on society.

In many areas the Salesians collaborate with the central government and that of some states.  Two examples are the Don Bosco Tech India in the field of professional training and training for work, and the YaR project for youth at risk.

Many schools are located in rural areas, with agricultural training,  model farms, irrigation projects and models of financial assistance. Also worthy of mention are the high schools and the University of Don Bosco Guwahati, the first Catholic University in India.

Much important work has been done in the local languages​​: many of these have developed spelling and grammar, thanks to the Salesians who have published a vast amount of written and audio-visual material.

The work on behalf of refugees and immigrants has also been significant. The Province of New Delhi, for example, has developed a major project in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Missionary activity continues to grow. The Province of Calcutta has expanded its presence in neighbouring countries such as Nepal (1993) and Bangladesh (2008). The Province of Mumbai is present in Kuwait. Two missionary aspirantates have been opened, in the Provinces of Chennai and Guwahati.

"Don Bosco has had a profound impact in India. There are still many challenges, but the opportunities are even more numerous."

Published 20/03/2014

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