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20/3/2014 - RMG - GC27: Don Rua and the General Chapters: a book by Fr Graciliano González
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(ANS - Rome) – As the Salesian Congregation conducts its 27th General Chapter, the Salesian University Library (LAS) has published a book entitled "The General Chapters of the Pious Salesian Society presided over by Fr Michael Rua."  The author is Fr Graciliano González, a member of the Salesian Historical Institute.

To mark the first centenary of the death of Blessed Michael Rua in 2010, major studies were released analyzing the figure of Don Rua, his formation, his collaboration with Don Bosco, the impetus he gave to the development of the Salesian Congregation in the world, his way of governing, his deep spiritual personality, and so on. Documentary sources were published that have helped us to understand better some aspects of his life and his work. One important source was still missing: the General Chapters at which he presided.

This volume provides firsthand knowledge, as complete as possible, of the material available in the Central Archive on the six chapters convened and presided over by Don Rua: the letters of convocation, the regulations, minutes, resolutions and other documents that might be useful for a better understanding of what happened in those General Chapters.

This is not a study, but the presentation of documents that will be useful in raising awareness of the man who played a key role in these six General Chapters.  They will shed light on the complex evolution of the Salesian Society in the decisive years that followed the death of the founder.  These documents will help us to recognise the genuine Salesian spirit in the essentials that have stood the test of time, while at the same time making use of elements of every time and place to continue the Salesian mission in the world.

Published 20/03/2014

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